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Tatyana Bell

TCI Case Manager

Seth Durham

TCI Case Manager

Carly Hebron

Post-Discharge Coordinator

Khayla Mclauchlin, BSW

TCI Case Manager

Ms. Mclauchlin graduated in 2020 from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with her bachelor's in social work. Prior to joining our outstanding team here at TCI, Ms. Mclauchlin held roles as a social worker at a psychiatric hospital and also served as a foster care specialist for the state of Missouri. Her goal is to obtain her master's degree in counseling.

Samantha Cox

TCI Case Manager Consultant

Gregory "Chuck" Clark

TCI Case Manager Assistant

My role and responsibilities at TCI allows me to work directly with youth. I serve as a mentor mainly due to the fact that I take youth to their appointments, visits and outings and during this "on the road" time, I am often speaking with youth about making better choices 

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