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The Purpose of our Program


To give youth a chance to learn the skills and acquire the tools necessary to turn past negative experiences into future success stories by focusing on the strengths of our youth, building on these strengths to improve their self-esteem, self-worth and overall view of a positive and successful future.

To teach youth how to live within their means so that they are never tempted to or resort to crime.


To teach youth to understand the consequences they will face with making poor choices while also teaching coping skills and alternative methods to reduce making potentially poor choices or angry choices.

To open doors to youth that have not been successful in other placements and provide them the opportunity to learn the skills and receive the tools necessary to obtain skills necessary that will lead to employment

To provide opportunities and programming that contribute to self-awareness and positive relationships through creative expression, aesthetic appreciation, physical activities, various therapeutic approaches and techniques and an overall life-long good health.

The Scope of What We Do

We provide a well-planned, structured, safe and consistent milieu environment that includes staff members that are non-judgmental and have genuine concern and regard for all youth in our program.


We provide counselors that are licensed in the state of Illinois to conduct group and individual therapy for each youth, family therapy as well as crisis management and support in the milieu.

We provide on-site jobs, community-based internships, transportation to and from work sites and job coaches to assist with job transitioning.

We use evidenced-based practices to plan, create and implement with fidelity our program BTPs (Behavior Treatment Plans).


We implement evidenced-based practices with fidelity by using various tracking measures such as our SWIS system, SERs (Significant Event Reports) and our treatment planning when measuring progress. 

We provide on-site psychiatric care by a licensed child and adolescent psychiatrist.

You Have the Greatest Control of Your Destiny

Many people believe that their destiny is dictated by the situation in which they inherited by birth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every person controls his own destiny once they reach a certain age. 

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” 

― Mahatma Gandhi

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